Returns & Refund Policy

30-day Return

We believe you should experience a risk-free product trial, so we give you 30-days to confirm the reliable quality of our products! During this time, you could return the product without any paying extra fee if there is a manufacturing defect in it. Please rest assured that the returns are free and easy if there is a manufacturing defect. Otherwise, it would be the customer's responsibility to cover the shipping fee. Products on sale are also returnable if it is confirmed to be defective! 


How the Return and Exchange Process Work?

If the product is defective, please email [email protected] within 30-days of receipt. We will help you to either return or exchange your product. Your original form of payment will be refunded in full once the full return is complete. After 30-days orders may be subject to a 20% restocking fee and all shipping and handling charges will be the responsibility of the customer. (If your "after 30-days order" is under warranty, we would arrange to resend a new replacement for free if the product is defective.)


Product Arrived Defective or Damage

We're sorry to hear that your Fresko product arrived in less than perfect condition. We'd like to resolve this issue right away with the help of our Customer Support Team and Quality Assurance team. They'll need to know a bit of information on your order as well as the issue you're experiencing with your Fresko product.

To report your issue, please reach out to our Customer Support team by emailing [email protected] with your order number. We may need you to make a short video, or take some pictures of the defects of the product and send them to [email protected]. After a preliminary analysis on the video or pictures, we will send you a brand new replacement right away if it is confirm to be defective on its arrival. If we determine that you have misrepresented Fresko product’s condition and that product is not defective, we will send you the right instructions and help you to use the product correctly.


Defective Product

If you discover what you believe is a product defect for any Fresko, please emial [email protected]. If your product does have a defect, your product is covered under the terms of your product's warranty. Please refer to the warranty information and other supporting documentation that came with your product. If you discover your product is inoperable after first use, please email [email protected] within 30 days of receipt. Our Customer Support Team will determine whether the product is defective and offer you a brand new replacement. Normally, this will take 2 business days. We will keep you informed with the progress.